Farm with excellent access with half of the acres being inside of King City city limits. Possible subdividing into building lots and multiple sources of income.
Gentry County MO – King City MO
80+/- Acres of Row Crop with CRP Filter Strip
Location: Just East of King City MO
Short Legal: Twn61N, Rng32W, Sec 33. Legal to govern.
Legal Description: Available upon request.
Description: Location is everything when investing in real estate and this 80 acre tract is situated on the edge of King City Mo with 40 acres being inside the King City city limits.
The farm has excellent access from the South and the East making it easy to unlock this properties potential by subdividing into building lots. The farm is currently being utilized for agricultural purposes with 60 acres being farmed and 8.9 acres enrolled in CRP through 2026. There is a 3 year crop lease on the farm that gives a buyer a 3.2% ROI at list price. If your looking to invest in a farm with multiple sources of income, an incredible location and the possibility to subdivide, this one checks all the boxes.
Directions: From King City go South on 169 hwy to NW Berlin Road go East to first gravel road, property on North side of Berlin Road.