This Farm is Tract 3 of 3 of the Luke Family Land Auction. Farm offers app 142+/- Acres of Row Crop Bottom Land in Nodaway County Missouri. High tillable row crop bottom land with blacktop frontage in an excellent location. This farm is offered by online auction only.

Property Location: County: Nodaway
State: Missouri
Nearest Town: Conception Junction
Short Legal: Twn: 63N, Rng: 34W, Sec 22
Acres: Total Acres: 142+/-
Tillable Acres: 132.35+/-
High Tillable Cropland
Row Crop Bottom Farm
Blacktop Frontage
Income Producing Farm
Open for 2022
Property Information: High quality Nodaway County Missouri Bottom Ground. Farm is Platte River bottom land with Highway VV Blacktop access located just Southwest of Conception Junction. Improvements include drainage ditches and a concrete bridge to access fields.
Farm Status: Farm is open for the 2022 crop year. Possession upon removal of tenants growing crops.
Soils: Colo, Nodaway, Zook
Taxes for 2020: $1136.65
Auctioneers Note: The FSA Aerial shows app ½ acre of the farm being on the West Side of the Platte River. Consequently there is app ½ acre of the neighboring farm to the West that is located on the East Side of the Platte River. Both farms have had the unwritten agreement that the ½ acre located on the side of the river owned by each family would just be farmed by the other family. Whatever agreement is reached for the future will be up to the new owner and the neighbor to the west.
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