Experience Matters -- We have the proven tract record to bring multiple buyers to the table and achieve aggressive sales figures. With nearly two decades in the land business our agents have sold thousands of acres in land throughout the Midwest. We have encountered nearly every challenge that exists in selling a farm, from boundary line disputes, tenant disputes, title chain problems, survey and legal problems, landlocked legals, interloper deeds and the list goes on and on. Through this experience we have gained the knowledge and contacts necessary to help overcome any obstacle to selling property.
Time is of the Essence -- Where other companies will advertise a single property to bring a buyer to the table that might take 60 days, we have invested in infrastructures to instantly (within hours) notify tens of thousands of potential buyers. Email lists, social media marketing, United Country Real Tree Hunting Properties, and the list goes on.
Technology is Critical -- We can do a live and online simulcast auction
(if its one tract). In the covid era (especially with cases rising daily) we have
the flexibility to accommodate buyers that may not want to bid in person for
fears of the virus spread.
Knowledge is Crucial -- We specialize in farmland sales. We have extensive
knowledge of Row Crop, CRP, Pasture, Income Producing and Recreational
Hunting Properties. And we know what will get buyers excited about your
property and willing to pay market value and above. We have on staff a
generational veneer log timber expert that can help to value logs, timber and
how to best market the property to potential timber buyers. We have close
communication with experts in land use and government programs that can
help determine program eligibility and even obscure programs to maximize
your properties value. We have the experience managing land to assist with
any potential buyers concerns about finding a tenant.
Nationwide Network -- We have the ability to run a national database search for buyers inquiring about any United Country Farm or Land Nationwide and download their contact information. We can then notify that potential buyer instantly about this farm. In order to expose your property to more potential buyers we employ the marketing power of United Country Real Estate and Realtree United Country Hunting Properties with over 7000 agents and 700 offices worldwide.
Marketing Material Matters -- We will drone the property as well as install cell phone cameras to capture instant wildlife pictures that buyers today demand. This also allows us to "drip market" information to buyers to continue to increase their interest in the property. It also provides a simple layer of catching anyone driving on the property. We go the extra mile to get the pictures that have stopping power on the internet. This means more buyers "stopping" to look at your property through its pictures and video.
Trusted in These Parts -- More families, corporations, trusts and asset management companies have trusted us to maximize the value of their land than any other company. From large banks to local banks and hundreds of farm families in between. With the single largest asset (land) at stake, why trust your results to a company that doesn't have the marketing power, experience, knowledge and network to maximize your return?
If you would like a specific marketing plan tailor made to your property please fill out the form below.